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Project Settings
Written by Ashok P
Updated over 4 months ago

You can explore the Project Settings in the Control Panel to configure the global settings for Projects. These settings are machine-specific for each User.

To access the Project Settings, click the following icon.

project settings cp.jpg

This will open the following form.

project settings dialog.jpg


The following is the form for General settings.


Auto Save

The following are the Auto Save settings.



Automatically save projects

Change this if you want our projects to auto-save.

Default = No.

Auto save interval

When using the automatic save feature, set the time gap here.

Update Catalog

The following are the Update Catalog settings.



Update catalog when project item editor closed

Here you can also choose from "Prompt" or "Automatically."

"Prompt" will open the Update to Catalog form, while "Automatically" will just automatically update the edited Product to your Catalog.

Prompt is the safest option.

Default = Never.

Update catalog when I/O Studio closed

This setting applies when you are making changes to the I/O Studio from within a Project. Other options are "Never" or "Automatic."

Default = Prompt.

Scope of Work

The following is the setting for the Scope of Work.



Open Scope of Work RTF file in WordPad

The Scope of Work RTF file should be edited in WordPad vs. Word, so we recommend that you don't change this setting.

Default = Yes.


The following is the Export setting.



Default folder to export project XML and JSON files

This will be the default location when using the Send To function for Projects.

The default value will be your Documents folder in Windows.


The following is the form for Prompts settings.

The following are the Prompts settings.



Prompt to update similar items when item editor closed

Check this if you want to be prompted to update Similar Items when you close the Edit Product form within a Project.

Default = No.

Prompt to check in project when project editor is closed

If you do not want to be prompted to check in projects to your SI Server when a project is closed, you can change this value to Yes to automatically check in the project or to No for no prompt.

Default value = Prompt.

Prompt to check in all projects when SI closed

When closing the application, if you have left any projects checked out you will be prompted to check them in. Options are Prompt, Automatic, Never.

Default = Prompt.

Prompt for alternates when adding products

This option will prompt you to add Alternates to a project if Alternate products are associated with the Product being added.

Default = Yes.

Prompt for wire length when adding bulk wire

When a Wire product that is marked as "Bulk Wire" is added to a project, this setting will open a dialog asking for the Wire Length and Head End.

Your Default Wire Length from your "Wire Measurements" setting will be auto-populated on the form.

Default = Yes.

Prompt for wire length when adding package bulk wire

This setting allows you to pre-set your wire length in Packages. If you wish to be prompted for wire length for "Bulk Wire" in a package then check this setting.

Default = Yes.

Prompt when a revision is opened read only

Revisions only open in a read-only state. If you don't wish to see this prompt each time you open a Revision then uncheck this setting.

Default = Yes.

Prompt when a pending change order is opened

This prompt informs you that the project is opening and filtered to only the items on the pending Change Order.

Default = Yes.

Prompt when adding miscellaneous items

This prompt will appear when adding Miscellaneous Items to a project to let you know how to view Miscellaneous Items in the Project Editor.

Default = Yes.

Prompt on adding shapes or blocks on a pending change order

This will prompt you if you attempt to drop a product on a Visio or AutoCAD page/sheet that is on a pending Change Order.

Default = Yes.

Prompt to add new or updated Mobile Install documents when project checked out

This will prompt you to download any Site Images or Documents that your resources have added to a Task or Service Order in Mobile Install.

Default = No.

Prompt to add items to an allowance when adding to an approved project

If you have one or more Allowances in an approved Project, when adding items to a pending Change Order you will be prompted whether or not to add the items to an existing Allowance.

Default = Yes.

Prompt to select change order when replacing approved items

Here you can turn off the prompt letting you know that items are approved and must be added to a Change Order.

Default = Yes.

Project Editor

The following is the form for Project Editor settings.

project editor.jpg

Project Editor

The following are the Project Editor settings.



Collapse all groups and items on Project Editor open

This determines whether all items and groups will be collapsed in the Project Editor by default when in a non-summarized view. An example is shown below of a Project Editor that is grouped by Location and collapsed.

Default = No.


Collapse all items on Project Editor open

This determines whether all items will be collapsed in the Project Editor by default when in a non-summarized view. This is similar to the setting above but the groups are not affected.

Default = Yes.

Collapse all added to Project Editor

This determines whether all items will be collapsed in the Project Editor when added.

Default = Yes.


The following is the Layouts' setting.



Persist layout in items view for each project

This option will allow each project to open with its own preferred/selected Item View. When No, all projects will open to the Item View last used.

Default = Yes.


The following are the Replace settings.



When replacing item(s) persist layout options

Set this to Yes if you don't want to have to modify your replace options every time you do a replacement.

Default = No.

Pre-filter category when replacing products

This will pre-filter the list of products to the same Category and Subcategory of the product being replaced.

Default = Yes.

Pre-filter category when adding alternates

This will pre-filter the list of products to the same Category and Subcategory of the product the alternate is being added to.

Default = Yes.

Project Open Validation Settings

The following is the form for Project Open Validation settings.

open validation settings.png

Here you can choose which fields are checked for differences between what is in the Project and what is in your Catalog when you open a Project.

Based on your choices here, you will see a similar message to the one below when you open a Project.


When you click Yes, the Compare and Sync with Catalog interface will open with only the field differences below available.

Pricing Differences

Here you will choose which fields regarding pricing you would like to be prompted for when opening a Project. All are set to Yes by default except for Price.

Other Differences

You can choose to be prompted as to whether an item is marked as Discontinued or Unapproved in your Catalog, as well as check whether the item doesn't exist in your Catalog when you open a Project.

Change Orders

The following is the form for Change Orders settings.

change order.jpg

The following is the Change Orders setting.



Mark added items as 'Non-Billable' for internal change orders

Setting this to "Yes" will disable the following prompt that displays when you attempt to add items to an "internal" Change Order.

Default = No.

add items to internal.png


The following is the form for Drawings settings.




Paste shapes and blocks

Other options are Clone and Alternate. This is a global setting you can make on your machine that has the same options as when using our Paste Special function.

Default = New.

paste special.jpg

Use company logo in Visio title shapes

Other options are New and Always. New would only affect new drawings while Always would affect existing drawings. This is one method for displaying your company logo from your Company Information on your Visio drawings.

If your logo does not look proper when using this method, you can instead choose to create a custom Visio template and add your logo manually.

This setting will automatically change to "New" once you check the following option when creating a Visio file.

Default value = Never.

new visio.jpg

Automatically open project editor on drawing open

If you do not wish to have the Project Editor open automatically, uncheck this setting.

Default = Yes.

Add accessory shapes when a parent shape is added

When a parent product is dragged to a drawing page/sheet in Visio/AutoCAD, shapes for its accessories will also drop on the page/sheet if you check this setting.

Default = No.

Prompt to assign category when a shape (or) block is dropped from shape (or) block tree

When you drag an unassigned shape/block to a specific page/sheet type in Visio or AutoCAD, you will be prompted to assign that shape to Category.

Default = Yes.

Save shape block as default when dropped from shape (or) block tree

When Yes, this will automatically set the selected shape as your default for whatever product you choose.

Default = No.

Populate title block on blank Visio background pages on drawing open

This will automatically import the default title block for new Visio drawings.

Default = Yes.

Turn auto connect on in Visio line views

This setting utilizes the "auto connect" feature in Visio for our Line pages.

Default = Yes.

Warn when adding optional or alternate products shapes to a drawing

When you drag over an Alternate or Optional Product to a drawing page, you will get a warning letting you know that these Items will not appear on Installation reports.

Default = Yes.

Warn when adding shapes/blocks to drawings with total quantity greater than 1

This prompt warns you that when you have a quantity greater than one. Only one shape/block will drop on the drawing page.

Default = Yes.

Display help information when inserting PDF background in Visio

This setting relates to the instructions that are displayed when using the D-Tools PDF Cloud Converter.

Default = Yes.

Apply layer (or) block color to AutoCAD schematic wire

This will apply the selected layer's color in AutoCAD to our schematic wire blocks.

Default = Yes.

Resize Visio line image shapes

This allows you to re-size line shapes in Visio.

Default = Yes.

Support web folders (like OneDrive) in Visio to store drawings

Setting this to Yes will delay the opening of a Visio drawing by a few seconds to allow file synchronization.

D-Tools recommends using a folder on your local machine vs a web folder but here we go.

Default = No.


The following is the form for Connections settings.



The following are Wires settings.



Automatically drop connected products when a product shape is added to Visio

When a product is connected with wires on one page, and you then drag that product to another page, the connected Wires and Equipment shapes will automatically drop on the new page.

Default = Yes.

Store wire terminals on connection

When Yes, this will automatically populate the Start Terminal and End Terminal fields for a Wire Product when that wire is connected to schematic shapes in Visio and AutoCAD.

Default = No.

Display line end images in Visio for start terminal and end terminal on wire shapes

This setting will change the wire ends to display a representation of what terminal it is connected to on schematic shapes in Visio.

Default = Yes.

Use subcategory as layer name for wire shapes in Visio

When shapes are dropped onto Visio pages, they are automatically assigned to a layer named for the Category.

If you would like to use the Subcategory abbreviation for wire shapes, set this to Yes.

Default = No.

Display page number on Off-Page reference shape in Visio

Setting this to "Yes" will display the page number vs. the page name on the Off-Page Reference shape in Visio.

Default = No.

Sync Off-Page reference shape in Visio on page activate

This will automatically refresh connections that might have changed when a page is selected in Visio.

Default = Yes.

Populate connection information on wire shapes in Visio

This will allow you to populate information on what the wire is connected to on custom wire shapes.

Default = No.

Wire Audit

The following are the Wire Audit settings.



Prompt for wire connection conflict

This will alert you when you are attempting to connect a wire to a different device than the one it is connected to on another page/drawing in Visio/AutoCAD, or if you are trying to connect to a different I/O than what is already connected.

Default = Yes.


Store new wire connection in case of conflict

This setting will automatically store the "new" wire connection when the same wire is connected to multiple devices.

Note: This setting only applies if you set your "Prompt on wire connection conflict" setting to Yes.

Default = Yes.

Automatically audit wire connections

If this option is Yes, when a schematic page is opened in Visio or AutoCAD it will automatically audit all wire connections and disconnect any conflicts found. This is No by default to improve speed when working with drawings.

You can always run an audit when you wish via a right-click option in Visio: D-Tools > Wire Option > Audit Wire Connections.

Default = No.


The following is the form for Tasks settings.


The following are the Tasks settings.



Automatically update item install fields from tasks on project editor open

If for some reason you do not wish the install fields from Tasks to update within the Project, uncheck this setting.

Default = Yes.

Prompt to mark items as installed when task complete

When the "Percent Complete" field for a Task is set to "100%", all items for that Task will be marked as "Installed."

Default = Yes.

Include accessories in task when project items are added to task

This will automatically include accessories to items added to a Task, even if the accessories are not selected when adding the "parent" item.

Default = Yes.

Automatically lock items when items are marked as installed

This relates to the lock function within the Project Editor.

Default = No.

Purchase Orders

The following is the form for Purchase Orders settings.

purchase orders.jpg

The following are the Tasks settings.



Prompt to update item order fields from purchase orders on project editor open

If you do not want to be prompted to update the order fields from Purchase Orders when you open the Project Editor then set this to Never or choose Automatic.

Default = Prompt.

Prompt to delete missing order number on project editor open

If you have deleted items from a Purchase Order, you will be prompted to remove the Order Number from those items within the Project.

Default = Yes.

Mark item(s) added to bundled cable as Do Not Order

This will automatically mark the products you add to a Bundled Cable as "Do Not Order" so they will be filtered out by default when creating Purchase Orders.

Default = Yes.

Automatically mark included accessories as Do Not Order

This will automatically mark any Accessories that are marked as "Include" to also be marked as "Do Not Order."

Default = Yes.


The following is the form for Integrations' settings.

application settings.jpg

The following is the Integrations setting.



Prompt to update items from integration on project editor open

If you are using any of our Integrations with other software, this will prompt you to update the integrations when you open the Project Editor.

Default = Yes.

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