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Creating a New Project in SI
Written by Ashok P
Updated over 7 months ago

The Project Explorer is where you create new Projects in SI. There are many ways to create Projects.

#1 Using the New Project Wizard

The only two required fields to be able to save a Project created using the New Project Wizard are the Client and Project Name.

However, you will likely want to add more information than that. All other fields for the Project can be later added/edited via the Project Information interface or the Settings dropdown within a Project.

You can determine what fields are required for users to create a new project via the New Project Required Fields settings in the Control Panel.

1/ Open Project Explorer.

start projects.jpg

2/ Click Create > New.

create new project.jpg

This will open the New Project Wizard.

Step 1

The following is the Step 1 form in the wizard.

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The following are the fields in the form.




Here you can select an existing client from the list or you can click the Create Client button to create a New Client from scratch, import from Outlook, or import from QuickBooks.

If you type in a new Client name, you will be prompted to create a Client.

This is a required field.

Project Name

The Project name will print on most reports in SI.

This is a required field.

Client Number

This field can be filled in if you want to add a client number, e.g. - an identifier for the client from your accounting software.

Client PO Number

This field is optional but here you can enter the PO Number you received from your client when they sign off on the Project.

This field will transfer to a QuickBooks Estimate, or if entered on the Create QuickBooks Estimate dialog it will auto-populate this field.

Project Number

This will auto-populate once the Project has been saved based on your Project Number Format settings in the Control Panel.

You can also manually type any number you wish in this field.


Set a Status for the Project.

This will be updated throughout the Project life cycle.

Assigned To

The user you are logged in as will automatically populate this field. This field can used to limit access to a Project based on other User's Permissions.

Sales Rep

Here you can assign a sales rep from your list of Resources.

Project Manager

Here you can assign a project manager from your list of Resources.


Here you can assign a designer from your list of Resources.

Estimated/Actual Close Date

Here you can enter an estimated close date for an opportunity (Project not yet won) and an actual close date if desired.

Start/End Date

Enter the Start Date if you know it at this point.

Product Price Type

This defaults to Price Type "A." or to whatever you have renamed this to under Product Price Types.

Change if desired.


Enter a budget for the Project if desired.

This field will automatically populate when a Project is created from a Mobile Quote.


This option will be ticked or not ticked by default based on your Project Rules setting.

This determines whether or not the project will be Quantity-Based or Unit-Based.


Here you can choose a currency for the Project if you have enabled Multiple Currencies.

You can also choose to create the Project from a template.

Create Project From Template

This is to create the Project from an existing SI template.

Step 2

If a Primary Contact is associated with the Client, their information will be pre-filled in here. Enter any additional Contacts to the Project, e.g. Spouse, Contractor, Builder, Architect, etc.

step 2.jpg

Use the New button to add a New or Existing Contact, or you can import from Outlook.

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This list can be printed via the Project Contact Information report.

Step 3

Enter/edit the Site Address and Billing Address (if needed). The Site Address is used for reporting.

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Step 4

Choose your Taxes for the Project.

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You also have the option to look up your taxes through Avalara based on either the Site Address or the Billing Address for the Project.

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When you click this link the following dialog will open allowing you to choose which address you want to search for and also an option to validate the address through Avalara.

Avalara lookup only works for US addresses.

look up taxes.jpg

If you click the Validate button, you will then have the option of using the validated address or using the original address.

select validation address.jpg

Once you choose an address, taxes will be returned.

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Here you have the option to add the tax to the Project for Products, Labor, or both. You also will have the option of adding the taxes as a Tax Group or as a single Tax. You can rename the Tax Group or Tax before clicking Finish.

Step 5

Assign any Resources to the Project. See Users/Resources.

step 5.jpg

Your User/Resource information will automatically be populated and you can use the Assign button to add additional Resources.

Resources are not required and can be added later.

Step 6

Enter a scope of work for the Project if needed. You can manually type in this field, paste text into this field, or use Snippets that you have created, see Snippets.

All text entered into this field will be unformatted as this is a database field. If you wish to have a Rich Text Format (RTF) formatted Scope of Work, you will need to do this from within the Project once the Project has been saved. See Scope of Work.

This can printed via the Scope of Work Document report.

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Step 7

Enter any Locations for the Project. You can add Locations via the Add button if you want to choose from the list of Locations from your Control Panel or you can click the New button if you want to manually type the names.

step 7.jpg

Step 8

Enter any Systems for the Project. You can add Systems via the Add button if you want to choose from the list of Systems from your Control Panel or you can click the New button if you want to manually type the names.

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Step 9

Here you can modify the contract percentages. See Payment Terms.

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Step 10

If needed, enter any other information in the Custom Fields that you have defined. See Custom Fields.

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When finished entering your Project information, click the Save button.

The Project file will automatically open in the Project Editor interface.

#2 New Project from Template

You may want to create a Project from the Project Template you previously created and saved in SI.

1/ In the Project Explorer click Createv > From Template.

create from template.jpg

2/ Select the Template you want to use and click the Create Project button.

choose template.jpg

The New Project from Template Wizard will open.

3/ Assign a Client and Project Name (required) and edit any other information then click Save.


#3 Import Project

Import functionality for Projects can be used to import legacy Projects and SI Projects that you have either exported or received from another person using SI.

1/ In the Project Explorer, click Create > Import Project.

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The Import Project Wizard will open.

2/ Click Next.

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3/ Browse to where the Project is that you want to import. Click Next.

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4/ Verify the files you want to import. These will include any Visio or AutoCAD files, Revisions, Scope of Work .rtf files, etc.

5/ Click Next.

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6/ Choose your options for importing this Project and click the Import button.

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The following are the options in the Import Project form.




The Project Status will default to the first one in your list with a State = "Open."

Import accounting estimate numbers

This option will import any existing accounting estimate numbers.

Import mobile quote details

This option will import any existing Mobile Quote details with the Project.

This only applies to Projects that are linked to a Mobile Quote.

Import order details

This option will import any of the order fields that are populated within the Project.

Import installation details

This option will import any of the installation fields that are populated within the Project.

Import legacy schedule

This option will import any legacy scheduling Tasks from a SIX Project.

Add new products to catalog

This option will automatically import Products to your SI Catalog that don't exist.

Add new labor to catalog

This option will automatically import Labor Items to your SI Catalog that don't exist.

Add new packages to catalog

This option will automatically import Packages to your SI Catalog that don't exist.

If you are importing an Approved Project there will be additional options to choose from.

approved options.jpg

Once imported, the form stays open so you can import another Project if needed.

#4 Clone Existing Project

The reason you might want to clone or copy a Project is to be able to present different options for the Project to your client.

You can clone an existing Project and then make any changes needed to present two or more different proposals to your client. You could also clone a Project and assign it to a new Client if you want to save time by re-using a Project you've previously created.

The Project must be Checked Out for you to be able to clone it.

1/ Select the Project you want to clone in Project Explorer.

2/ Click the Clone button.


The Clone Project Options form will open.

3/ Make your selections then click OK.

clone options.png

The Clone Project Wizard will open which is essentially the same as the New Project Wizard.

Make any modifications desired and click Save.

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